ARTAPESTRY7 Exhibition Catalog


The European Tapestry Forum (ETF) would like to thank ATA Chairman Shelley Socolofsky for writing an essay on tapestries’ significance in the world. And thanks to artist Thomas Cronenberg for his essay on tapestries, and for his translation, and for his help during this process.
And a big thank you to Dr. Isa Fleischmann-Heck to reflect on the ARTAPESTRY7 exhibition topics.

A very big and heartfelt thank you to head of Secretary, Anet Brusgaard. It would not be possible to make the ARTAPESTRY exhibitions again and again if it were not for her relentless commitment. Her time and commitment are crucial for the creation of the exhibition, and her endless work in helping venues and artist is key in the organization and coordination of ETF’s work.
Also, thank you to project coordinator, Olivia Aguilera Malinovsky, for helping to communicate and inform all the artists and venues, and thank you for being the Secretariat's sparring partner.

A thank you to our graphic designer, Marie Frøhlich, for turning our ideas into print and on the website for ARTAPESTRY7 guests to enjoy. And a thank you to Rune Skovsted from GraphicUnit for the help in making and printing the leaflet for the exhibition.

And a special thanks to all the applicants. Without all of you the ARTAPESTRY7 would not be possibly. The applicants are the force that drives ETF to make the exhibition a reality, displaying 37 different and extraordinary tapestries.

Last but not least, a big thank you to the venues that are hosting the ARTAPESTRY7 exhibition for the next few years. It is a pleasure to collaborate with these museums and galleries in different parts of Europe, all coming together to make this exhibition a reality.

By project coordinator Olivia Aguilera Malinovsky