ARTAPESTRY7 Exhibition Catalog

Art Centre Silkeborg Bad

ARTAPESTRY again in Silkeborg! Once again, we are a venue and a partner in the ARTAPESTRY tour.

Our loyal guests have been asking for a long time about our involvement in the 7th ARTAPESTRY triennial tour and when the exhibition could be expected to take place. Now we can meet their expectations with an exhibition of tapestries by both well-known and new weavers with new motifs and techniques that, as always, take your breath away with the creativity and the technical skills of the participants.

The Art Centre Silkeborg Bad aims to communicate visual art. The institution presents artists from all over the world and exhibitions with internationally relevant themes, and it is a meeting place for Danish and foreign art. It creates space for interdisciplinarity and the opportunity for dialogue between art forms.

With the Art Centre situated in historic surroundings and with the forests and lakes of the Silkeborg area close by, we overall want to activate the best of art, history and the area’s nature and create experiences that enrich, meet and re-energize people. The interaction contributes to a unique holistic experience that gives our guests new perspectives.

The Art Centre Silkeborg Bad is an independent institution founded in 1992. It is housed in a former health center, from which it takes its name. Our sculpture park surrounds the historic buildings, with approximately 1,000 square meters dedicated to art exhibitions today.

Dorte Kirkeby Andersen
Curator at ArtCentre Silkeborg Bad

25th January – 21st April 2025 
Denmark: ArtCentre Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg 

Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld

The Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld is pleased to present ARTAPESTRY 7 in 2024 and hopes to welcome many visitors from different countries of Europe. 

Originally founded as a study-collection for students of the Prussian weaving school in Krefeld, the museum is now part of the city’s cultural heritage and stores more than 30.000 textiles from all over the world and from ancient times to nowadays. The Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld is proud of being one of the largest textile museums in Europe and the most important in western Germany. 

Although the museum does not collect large tapestries and contemporary artworks in textile a large amount of tapestry woven textiles from Egypt, Peru, China and Europe from the museum’s collection is exhibited time by time in exhibitions. Due to the fragile nature of historic textiles no permanent exhibition of the museums archives is presented. Instead, about two temporary exhibitions are shown per year, demonstrating the wide range of textile topics. 

In this vein, we are very happy to present 37 contemporary tapestries from European artists in Krefeld. Moreover we thank the European Tapestry Forum (ETF) for organizing the competition, the jury meeting in Copenhagen and the venues in Denmark and Sweden. The presented artworks visualize the ideas of contemporary artists whose media are fibers in different qualities and hues and whose technique is characterised by traditional tapestry weaving that is individually adopted or changed. New forms, ideas, technical features were developed to create each piece of art in this exhibition.

By Dr. Isa Fleischmann 
Director for European Textiles and Clothing
Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld

21st July – 31st December 2024
Germany: Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld

Janina Monkute-Marks Museum-Gallery

The history of Janina Monkute-Marks Museum-Gallery began with the restoration of Lithuanian independence when the artist Janina Monkute-Marks, a Lithuanian émigré, considered the idea of donating her own artworks to her homeland. In 2000 she founded the first Lithuanian not-profit-making cultural and educational organization and in 2001 the Museum opened its doors to the public. From 2023 it is a branch of Kėdainiai Regional Museum. 

Artworks from the life of Janina Monkute-Marks are the heart of the Museum collection. The Museum also is developing a collection of artworks donated by artists who have exhibited here. 

Janina Monkute-Marks Museum-Gallery is committed to the cultural and educational advancement achieved through sharing art in its dynamic diversity with the city of Kedainiai and the larger cultural community of Lithuania. One of the Gallery’s early goals was the presentation of accomplished international artists to the people of Lithuania. This effort brings the world of cultural attention to the Kedainiai region.

To that end, the Gallery organized exhibitions of Contemporary Swedish Art, the exhibitions of Odon (Guy Houdouin), Philippe Guesdon and famous American Fiber Artists Michael F. Rohde and Jon Eric Riis. Three International Fiber Art exhibitions Asia-Europe II,III,IV, Polish and Latvian Fiber Art exhibitions were also organized and we are eagerly anticipating Artapestry7’s arrival in Lithuania.

Asta Fedaravičiūtė-Jasiūnė

 Manager of Janina Monkute-Marks Museum-Gallery

Szombathely Gallery

In Hungary, the roots of tapestry art go back to the Gödöllő workshop, which operated at the beginning of the 20th century. The activities of the Gödöllő Workshop unfolded in parallel with the lifestyle change movements. In light of this, the interpretation of the tapestry genre can be formulated as part of the modernization effort appropriate to the conditions of the time. This somewhat belated afterlife of the European renewal is relevant in many ways in the practice of the present day. The age of huge mural tapestries is over, more intimate and personal values have come to the fore. The themes and dimensions are also more adapted to the human scale and the weaving attitude of the artist.

It is true, that the glass-walled construction did not benefit the tapestry art, but the digital image culture enriched the weavers’ work with several positive opportunities. At the same time, the demanding manual work and the use of natural materials also contributed to the new renaissance of the tapestry art.

 It is a pleasure and an honor for me to have the opportunity to present ARTAPESTRY7 to the Hungarian audience. Through the centuries-long metaphor of weaving, we can present significant works of European culture.

We are trying to draw attention to the priceless values of cooperation in a period of atomization of European civilization.

Lívia Papai
Professor, tapestry artist, Hungary

29th January - 28th February 2026
Hungary: Szombathely Gallery, Szombathely